The Swaffhams Partnership


As a parent or carer, you are automatically a member of FoSPS. We are an active group with a keen interest in enhancing the relationship between home, school and the community, with regular meetings, fund raising and social events.

FoSPS is always looking for fresh ideas. You don’t have to join the committee; we have a list of potential volunteers who we can call on if need be, so let us know if you have a skill or interest (baking, building, gardening, entertaining, etc). 

We hold many enjoyable social activities which also help funds, such as cake sales, a tuck shop, a book sale and Easter egg bingo. We also sell second hand uniform for a small contribution. Our biggest fundraiser of the year is our raffle ticket stall at Reach Fair. 

Over the years, FoSPS has enhanced the school in many ways. Our recent endeavours include organising and funding the popular school disco, funding an in-school pantomime show, purchasing books for Year 6 leavers, buying maths resources and also the wooden teepees on the playground. In addition, we make a regular contribution to the swimming poolIn the past, we have also purchased i-pads, laptops, a new surface for the trim trail, author visits and pantomime trips.

Please let us know if you can offer any time, ideas or skills - help us to help our school!